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Shoulda-Woulda-Coulda Pt 2

We want to continue our series by looking at, ‘Lost Dreams’ and how God can restore them.

The dreams that speak to our future cannot be lost because they are given by God, but they become buried beneath the rubble of our hearts. The great news is that God wants to restore our dreams and remove the rubble of the past so we can move forward.

Joel 2:25 So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten. (NKJV)

The locusts are a picture of demonic spirits who have come to steal, destroy and kill.

Our focus now is to make sure that the problems, difficulties and pressures of life don’t cause us to stumble when God brings our dream around a second time.

When Jesus came as the Messiah to Israel, He said to the Pharisees that He was, ” THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED. (Mt 21:42 – NASU)

Peter the apostle later called Jesus, “A stone of stumbling And a rock of offense.”  (1 Pet 2:8 – NKJV)

What he meant was that when Jesus came, the majority of the Jewish people were offended when Jesus called Himself the Messiah. Hence their offence meant that instead of Jesus becoming the stepping stone to salvation, He became a stumbling stone of unbelief and lost opportunity.

Therefore, when difficulties, problems and pressures come our way, we are to see them as stepping stones, not stumbling stones. How do we do that? We do it by giving those things to God and putting our trust in Jesus to resolve them. As we do this we will find our dream become a reality again and see ourselves moving towards it’s fulfillment.

Joseph had a dream that he would rule and reign over his family. You know the story. For the next 13 yrs he was thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, served in Potiphar’s house, was falsely accused of rape and incarcerated in Pharaoh’s deepest dungeon.

But throughout his ordeal he held onto his relationship with God and trusted his life to Him. As a result all those setbacks became stepping stones that catapulted Joseph to becoming the Prime Minister of the kingdom of Egypt and fulfilling his dream.

Meditation Point: Prayer – Lord Jesus, when difficulties come my way, help me to trust those things to you and see you resolve them so they become stepping stones to the fulfilling of my dream. Thank you Lord.



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