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Archive for June 23rd, 2014



‘Grace Waves Devotional’

Prison BarsIMPRISONED BY LAW (Gal 3:22-25)

1 Cor 15:56 The Strength of Sin Is The Law!

When we preach a law gospel that highlights people’s sin we are ignorantly preaching a gospel that has within it the seeds of its own destruction!

Hos 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (NKJV)

We have then become ‘blind leaders of the blind’ and fall into the ditch of bondage and defeat! (Mt 15:14)

 When we preach the law, we imprison people in their sin. Why is this?: The law was given to judge and condemn sin but it cannot deliver from sin, it cannot give people the power to climb out of sin! Hence every time we preach law we further strengthen its hold over people. We have locked them up in their sin and thrown the key away.

 Besides producing guilt and condemnation, knowing we cannot overcome sin leads to weakness, hopelessness and defeat. This is why many believers give up following Jesus. The standards are too high for them to maintain consistently on a daily basis!

 Then why did God give the law? He gave it not only to point out my sin, but to exacerbate it to such a degree, that we might cry out, “Oh wretched man/woman that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death?” (Rom 7:24) (NKJV)

 Rom 7:13  But sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful. (NKJV)

 This man/woman realises they cannot conquer sin by themselves and stand in need of a Saviour to set them free.

 Who is that Saviour? They cry out again, “I thank God through Jesus Christ my Lord!” (NKJV) (Rom 7:25)

 Friends, you and I died to the law at the cross! (Rom 7:4) The law no longer has jurisdiction over our lives. We now live under the New Covenant grace of Jesus Christ!

 It is the power of grace working within us that sets us free from the bondage of sin.

 Gal 5:1  Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke (law) of bondage. (NKJV)

 Are you trapped in debilitating sin today call on Jesus! He is the great deliverer!

 Give Him time to work in your life and He will set you free!

 Meditation Point:  The law imprisons me – Grace sets me free!












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