Archive for April 8th, 2013
Shoulda-Woulda-Coulda Pt 4
No comments · Posted by Peter Wilson in Shoulda-Woulda-Coulda, The Power of God's Word
In the final part of this series i want to look at those people who feel life is passing them by. They began their Christian life with joy, a passion for Jesus and a desire to proclaim the gospel of grace to a dying world.
Along the way however, they have raised a family, had problems, difficulties, ill health, or have retired from their employment; one or more of these things have left them exhausted, burnt out and hopeless.
They find themselves stuck in their relationship with God and have lost their passion, joy and zeal. They still have a heart for God but don’t know how to revive what they once had.
Let’s look at some key points of guidance:
Standing Before God : We must never ever forget that God does not judge us for our mistakes, sins or failures! He judged our sin on Calvary 2000 yrs ago, and now we are ‘In Christ’, He judges us as righteous (given right standing) which is justified or in simple speak, ‘just as if i have never sinned.’
So if we have been living under a cloud of guilt and condemnation, we need to come out from underneath it and embrace God’s forgiveness, acceptance and peace.
Rom 8:29-30 For God knew His people in advance, and having chosen them, He called them to come to Him. And having called them, He gave them right standing with Himself. And having given them right standing, He gave them his glory.
Feed On Christ : After Jesus had fed the 5000 on natural bread, He turned around and said to the people following Him,
”I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger.” (Jn 6:35 NKJV)
How do we come to Jesus and feed on Him who is the bread of life? We feed on Him by meditating on His Word. Jesus is the Word of God (Rev 19:13).
Many people have missed feeding on Christ because they read His word like any other book and seek to acquire head knowledge. ‘No, A thousand times No.’
The word of God is not a fast food read. I suggest taking 2 0r 3 verses and reading them very slowly, going back and reading them very slowly again, going back and reading them very slowly again. You will find a word or phrase will jump out at you and speak to you.
Stop any further reading. Take this phrase and turn it over again and again in your mind as if you are chewing and chewing your food (yes, like a cow chews cud). The Holy Spirit will open this word to you and give you understanding into it.
Ask God to bring these thoughts to your remembrance throughout the day and continue to chew on them. This is meditating and feeding on the word of God, and this new understanding will feed and strengthen your spirit and renew your mind which will in turn transform your life.
Changed From The Inside Out : Do not try to change yourself from the outside in. This is called, ‘Behaviour Modification.’ This will not change our heart and will lead to a religious and legalistic lifestyle resulting in defeat, failure and hopelessness. Many stronger than you and I have gone down this route and have had to retrace their steps back to a place of grace which changed them from the inside out.
The key thought in the word for ‘grace’ taken from Strong’s Greek Dictionary says:
GRACE : The divine influence upon the heart, and it’s reflection in the life.
The revelation that comes to us from feeding on the word of God is what will change our heart and give us righteousness, peace and joy.
Phil 2:12-13 Therefore, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (NKJV)
Meditation Point: He works in – I work out!
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