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Archive for December 19th, 2012



Grace Forgiveness Pt 3

Now we have seen that it’s grace forgiveness that sets us free, we will look at another aspect of forgiveness, which is:


Let’s unpack 5 steps to resolving an offence.

1) Practice Being A Peacemaker

In life we can be one of 2 things: A peace keeper or a peace maker.

A peace keeper is a person who will do anything to keep the peace, to avoid confrontation, to prevent the boat from being rocked! They will sweep issues under the carpet, make excuses or tell lies.

A peace maker is a person who will do anything to make the peace. They will confront, tell the truth, bring issues out into the open.

God the Father is a peace maker: Col 1:20 God made peace through His Son’s blood on the cross and so brought back to Himself all things, both on earth and in heaven. (GNB)

Mankind was at war with God. They had disobeyed God’s command and partook of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Man’s disobedience broke the relationship they had with God, forcing God to expel them from His presence.

God knew that man was now imprisoned by sin and death and could not help himself, so God took the initiative. He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross and take the punishment for the sin of the whole world. This great sacrifice removed sin and opened the way for God to forgive man, thus restoring the broken relationship, making peace between God and man.

Isa 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. (NIV)

Peace On Earth

Luke 2:13-14  Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:  “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”   (NKJV)

Most people reading the above scripture, think that God was proclaiming through the angels some kind of automatic peace towards mankind. That’s because at Christmas we don’t want to upset anyone. We want everything to be jolly, cosy and nice. In other words, we want to ‘keep the peace.’

Yes, God is here proclaiming peace towards mankind. But it’s not automatic. It’s something that has to be received, and we receive this peace by thanking God that He has forgiven our sin and by inviting Jesus Christ to come into our hearts and lives and live His life through us.

It could be you are reading this article and are suddenly aware that you need to invite Jesus to come and live in your life. You want to know peace with God, you want the salvation He is offering to you, you want the assurance of eternal life.

The scripture below instructs us how to do this. Read it through very slowly. Spend time thinking about what it says.

Rom 10:9 for if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation.  (TLB)

Now you’ve invited Jesus to come and live in your heart, you need to tell someone what you have done. This telling confirms the work of salvation in your heart.

Meditation Point: Thank you Jesus that you died for me so I could receive forgiveness of sin from God and experience His peace. Give me the strength and help I need to tell someone that you now live in my heart.


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