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Archive for September 24th, 2012



Women of Significance Pt 9

(READ 1 SAM 25:2-42  {NKJV} )

Point 4: Timing Is Crucial – When Abigail returns from intercepting David, she finds her husband Nabal is celebrating a feast day and is drunk with wine. She knew she had to tell him about her actions regarding David and how she prevented David from destroying the whole household.

To tell Nabal while he is drunk and in high spirits would be the wrong time, so she waits until the following morning when Nabal is sober and can take in the seriousness of the situation.

Do we need to challenge someone’s behavior? Let’s look at a ‘Checklist’ to help us in such situations:

A) Do not challenge a person when either your or there emotions are still raw. Stirred emotions such as anger, resentment or rejection, cloud our thinking and we will invariably say and do the wrong thing. This will exacerbate and further inflame the situation.

Prov 15:18 Hot tempers start fights; a calm, cool spirit keeps the peace.   (TM)

Wait until you know emotions have calmed down. You can then think and act impartially in the situation.

B) Carefully appraise the situation. Have any of our actions contributed to the breakdown in the relationship. This takes humility and a willingness to be real with ourselves.

If so, we must be willing to acknowledge this to the other person, say sorry for our actions and ask for their forgiveness. God’s grace will always flow and bring healing when we humble ourselves. (1Pet 5:5,6.)

C) Put your trust in God and rest in Him. Learn and speak out the following confession:

When I rest – God works   – When I work – God rests!

When we give our situation to God in prayer and rest in Him. He goes to work on our behalf. But if we take the situation back and start worrying and fretting and trying to work it out ourselves – God rests and leaves us to it!

Ps 62:5-6  Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken. (HCSB)

Meditation Point: When I am resting in God, I can claim the promise that says, ‘If God be for me, who can be against me’! (Rom 8:31)

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