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Archive for December 5th, 2011

Col 1:20 Having made peace through the blood of His cross. (NKJV)

The above Scripture shows that Christ was a peacemaker not a peacekeeper. Let’s remind ourselves how this took place.

It was mankind (Adam) who broke the peace with God, not God with man. Since that time, man has always been in rebellion and enmity with God Rom 8:7  The carnal mind is enmity against God KJV.

Dic Def: ENMITY – hostility, hatred, war, suspicion, rancour.

In spite of this, God knew that man wanted peace to be restored, but because of his sin nature, was incapable of change. That is, however much he wanted peace with God, deep down, there was an inbred hostility towards Him.

Rom 5:20 But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. (KJV)

If peace was to be restored, It would have to be God who took the initiative. So God, in an act of pure grace, sent His Son to die on a cross in order to make peace. God’s master plan was enacted thus:

1) Instead of man having to be punished for breaking the peace, God took out His full judgement and fury upon His Son Jesus. Isa 53:5 The punishment that brought us peace was upon him (Christ), and by his wounds we are healed.

2) By receiving Christ into His life, the Holy Spirit heals man by taking away his sin nature and replacing it with a righteous nature. This righteous nature enables man to make peace with God (Isa 32:17, Rom 14:17 ).

3) This peace that God has made with man is an eternal peace that can never be broken. Why? Because God made His peace with Christ who is man’s representative, and Christ as a man is perfect and will never break that peace.

4) Because we are now, ‘In Christ’, every time God looks upon us, He always sees us in Christ. Therefore the peace we have with God is not based on what we have or have not done, it is based entirely on what Christ has done.

5) On the cross, God forgave man’s sin, past, present and future. Therefore, whenever man sin’s, he knows that sin was forgiven and cleansed away by the blood of Christ 2000 yrs ago. This is why, man can never break the peace between him and God.

In our next Blog we will look at how many Christian’s have still not received the fullness of God’s peace and how to maintain this peace in our lives.

Meditation Point: Am I living in the peace of God or is that peace broken by guilt, condemnation, shame and fear etc.

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