
Peter Wilson Ministries | Blog

Archive for July 17th, 2010



Thank You

I would like to express my appreciation to all those who have left comments re my blog. Your words have been very encouraging and helpful. My aim is to present the principles of scripture in the simplest of ways.     Thanks……..  Peter.

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Van Gogh: Rest

Matt 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.   NKJV

God has clearly laid down in scripture the concept and application of spiritual and practical rest. Unfortunately many have not heeded the advice and are living on the edge of burn out or have already hit the wall and crashed; hence whenever it becomes obvious that things are not working we should always go back to the basics and there we will find the answer to our dilemma.

Hitting the Wall

The first mention of rest is found in Gen 2:2 On the seventh day God had finished His work of creation, so He rested from all his work.   NLT. The word, ‘rested‘ can also be translated , ‘cease‘, God ceased from all His work. God was saying to man that He had not only created him for work but also play, relaxation and leisure: ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jackie a dull girl.

God now set in place the principle of 6 days work and 1 day of rest or sabbath as it became known. He then enshrined the sabbath in the law. God did this for man’s benefit because He knew man had to recharge his batteries and renew and restore his vigour; so over the next few weeks we are going to be looking first at physical rest followed by spiritual rest.

Meditation point: If God took a day of  rest, should I build rest into my life?

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